Troitsa Bay - View out of our room

Small houses for having rest
Troitsa (
Òðîèöà means Trinity) Bay in Khasanskiy County, Primorskiy Krai is my favorite rest place. We mount a tent on sandy shore or we rent a small room in Andreyevka village.
The main settlement of Khasaskiy county is Slavyanka. It is the most southern county of Primorye. We spend about 4 hours to arrive Andreyevka by car. It is possible to reach up to Slavyanka by the ferry from Vladivostok.

Inhabitants of the village constructed small houses that they offer visitors to rent.

Click on a picture to see full-size image in new window.
The pictures were taken in 2007.

A next bay - View from top of a hill

Rest on seacoast

Mussels gathering

I like fishing.

First, I gathered mussels.
Next, I went to the sea to feed fishes with mussels.
The fisher's wife was waiting with camera until happy returning.
This time, I caught small navagas.
Navagas went to frying pan immediately.

Fishing Happy returning Catch

The shores in Khasanskiy County are not similar to Vladivostok shores. You can see cliffs. You can see a pendent steep and even a grotto.
Cliff Cliff Cliff
Cliff A pendent steep Grotto

I tried to take picture of a seal, but it did not want to be photographed. The seagull posed more willingly.
Seal Seal

It is even easier to photograph plants.
The most widespread tree in the south of Primorye is the Mongolian oak.
It is a small tree. Close to the sea, it is a bush.
I show pictures of some more plants.

Amur cork tree (We speak "Amur velvet")

Mongolian oak
Chinese crab(Forest apple tree)
Daur (black) birk

Bluebells at road

Dog-rose is usual on coast

Pines on rocks

The sea attracts me. Look at brave seafarers and rocks in the sea.
Rocks Brave seafarers
Rocks Rocks Rocks
Rocks Rocks Sunset

The sunset always fascinates, but the sunset on the sea is especially fine.
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